Tutor Booking
Planning for a brighter tomorrow
The tutor booking system is designed to assist your teaching staff to manage their tutoring workload. Whether they are providing private or public tutoring, inside or outside of school time, on any subject, instrument or sport, the Sobs tutor booking system will help.
The tutor interface provides a weekly or daily view of tutoring sessions, those available and those allocated. Tutors configure their own tutoring time slots, providing availability for other staff to record bookings.
Tutors can be internal teaching staff, or external specialist teachers such as a music tutor. The application also allows for the configuration of student groups, such as a tutorial for the beginner violins or grade 3 flutes. Each session includes a roll marking facility and the ability to record a student absence from an individual or group lesson.
Full support for fee paying students, including rescheduled lessons and re-imbursement reporting.
- Integrates with the Room Booking application to record bookings of tutorial spaces